Hello world!

Hello! My name is Christen, I am a 27 year old wife and mommy from the great state of Colorado. I am a former Early Childhood Educator, former Personal Trainer, and now a stay-at-home-mama! I have an amazing husband named Jordan and we have a beautiful baby girl named Harper. Jordan and I have been together for 11 years, yep he’s my high school sweet heart! And 5 years ago we started on this amazing journey of “baking a family from scratch”. The past 5 years of our marriage and past 18 months of our little girls life have proven to be nothing but unexpected. We have had so many ups and downs and tough decisions to make. I have always wished there was a magical recipe to tell us exactly what to do, when to do it and how, but obviously that’s not the case!

If you haven’t caught on, baking is a big hobby of mine. My grandma (we call her Oma) grew up in Holland, and her mother owned a bakery when they moved to California. Her and my mom gave me a passion for baking and taught me everything I needed to know about it. They showed me that one little recipe card could turn into something amazing. I want to be just like Oma, I want to help make things easier and give you “recipes” for all the ups and downs you may encounter as a new mommy or young wife. And of course- my favorite- stay tuned for my many actual recipes from scratch. Every week will be a new pairing…wine & cupcakes are my personal favorite 🙂 


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