Workout of the Week- BOO-ty Work

Happy Halloween!!! I know we’re all going to indulge in some treats today…it’s the holiday of candy🤣! So definitely make sure to get a workout in! We’ve focused on legs, arms, chest, back, full body, abs…now time to focus on the BOO-TY 👻!

This workout can be done at the gym or at home with just a couple of weights… the heavier the better! It’s a fun way to switch up your leg routine and focus on the glutes- which sometimes get left out when focusing on hamstrings and quads. It’s a quick 30-40 minute workout with both major and isolated movements- so you’ll really feel burning on all areas of the glutes, maybe even up into your lower back- that’s ok! You’ll have 3 different rounds with a 30-20-30-20 pattern and the workouts will gradually get more difficult.

Let’s get to it!

  • Time- About 40 minutes
  • Calorie Burn- around 300
  • Equipment:
  • – Exercise mat or soft surface to lay on
  • – Water
  • – Exercise ball
  • – Heavy Kettlebell or dumbbell- mine is 35 lbs- you can also use laundry detergent if you don’t have weights!
  • Music- Plan out your playlist ahead of time! Find songs that pump you up and motivate you.
  • Space– Space for your mat and ball
  • Attitude– have FUN with it! It’s time to take care of your body!

**Please remember to watch the quick video below to see how to properly do each move!

Boo-ty Work

Round 1

  • 30 Weighted Squats
  • 20 Lunges
  • 30 Donkey Kicks (15 each leg)
  • 20 Squat Pulses**Optional Challenge
  • 30 Russian Twists
  • 3 times through

Between Rounds- 30 jumping jacks

Round 2

  • 30 Kettlebell Deadlifts
  • 20 Bulgarian Squats (10 each leg)
  • 30 Single Leg Extensions (15 each leg)
  • 20 Deadlift Pulses** Optional challenge
  • 30 Bicycles
  • 3 times through

Between Rounds- 30 jumping jacks

Round 3

  • 30 Kettlebell Sumo Squats
  • 20 Weighted Hip Thrusts
  • 30 Fire Hydrants
  • 20 Sumo Squat Pulses** Optional Challenge
  • 30 Russian Twists on Ball
  • 3 times through

Don’t forget to cool down and stretch! Click here for my cool down & stretching routine.