Budgeting From Scratch: Newlyweds & New Mommies

As a newly married couple 4 years ago, Jordan and I continued to live a carefree life! We went out to eat every weekend and several times during the week, I went shopping whenever I wanted to, we had no general concept of saving or debt. And why should we? We were newly married, I had just landed my first teaching job, and Jordan’s last year of college was practically free since he had become “emancipated.” We came up with all these excuses, all the while we could have been saving HUNDREDS of dollars for a down payment on our house and HUNDREDS of dollars to pay off student loans. The real world quickly caught up with us once Jordan graduated and we had all these loans to start paying off, along with that, he didn’t have a job yet. Fast forward 4 years later and we are in a similar situation. I’m going to be a stay at home mom to a baby (which is expensive enough as it is) who needs $500 of formula each month! Suddenly our income is decreasing and our expenses are increasing!

I’m sure you have been there right? Suddenly your monthly expenses increase exponentially, your monthly income decreases or increases significantly, and you just don’t know what the first step is to handling your money….and I’m going to give you a hint…IT DOES NOT INVOLVE CREDIT CARD DEBT!!! I’m going to share a few tips in this Budgeting From Scratch section of my blog to hopefully help any new wives or mommies struggling to figure out this whole finance thing and hopefully prevent you from making many mistakes Jordan and I have in the past!!

Stay tuned…

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