Workout of the Week- Fixer “Upper”

It’s the middle of July and that means tank tops, bikinis and sundresses….What better time to show off those toned arms and shoulders!? If you’ve been following along, we’ve had a full-body workout, a lower body workout, so now its time to fix up that upper body. I absolutely love this workout, it’s interval style, goes by quick and hit’s each and every muscle in the upper body. Shoulder’s, chest, back, biceps, triceps and core. 💪🏼 The perfect combination for those toned arms you’ve always wanted for that favorite summer dress.

*Side note- I should really clarify that this is not a female only workout, I just know the majority of my readers are females 😂 but Jordan does these workouts and is a hot mess by the end. So definitely share with your hubby! It can be a fun way to spend time together and reach new goals together.

Since this is the third of three workouts I’ve posted, hopefully you can start getting in a routine of 3-4 days a week of exercise. You could do this full body workout on day 1, this upper body workout for day two, the lower body workout for day 3 and then a cardio day or repeat full body for day 4! Please make sure to get a warm up in as always and please watch the quick 2 minute video below before you start so you can practice good form and understand what each movement should look like!

This week’s workout is going to be interval style and we will be using that Gymboss app from last week, I hope you downloaded it! If not follow the link from the list below. The intervals will be 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. There are 3 different “sets” where you do the same exercises (50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) for 3 rounds. Each set progresses from the previous set, so it get’s harder each time. Because they are longer intervals this time, it’s still pretty high intensity, but more so endurance, so pace yourself but still get that heart pumping. By the end of each 50 seconds you should be at the point where you physically can’t get any more reps!

Reminder-If you are new to my page and workouts- PLEASE visit and read my “Fitness From Scratch- Where to Start” article- lot’s of important information before you get started!

Let’s get to it!

Time- 45 minutes-includes warm up/cool down-

Calorie burn- About 400!


  • Exercise mat or soft surface to lay on
  • Medium/heavy weight- I’m using 15 pound dumbbells
  • Water
  • Some sort of stopwatch/timer– I recommend downloading this Gymboss app! I use it often, so you’ll probably see it pop up again in my workouts- it sets alarms for interval workouts. Click here for Android Devices. Here for iPhones.
  • Music- Plan out your playlist ahead of time! Find songs that pump you up and motivate you.
  • Space– Space for your mat and a chair for tricep dips
  • Attitude– have FUN with it! It’s time to take care of your body!
  • Warm up- Please warm up at least 5 minutes! Get some jumping jacks, burpees, arm circles and a few pushups to get those arms warm.
  • Cool down- always always stretch after your workout!!! Stretch every muscle you used in the workout, hold for about 30 seconds. (more info on stretching coming soon!)

Fixer “Upper” Workout

**You’ll do each set 3 times, each workout in the set will be 50 seconds of work (as many reps as you can) and 10 seconds (12 minutes of work per set). Then you will have a 1 minute rest before starting the next set.

Set 1- 3 times through

  • Mountain climbers
  • Bent Over Row
  • Pushups
  • V-ups

Rest 1 min after 3 rounds

Set 2- 3 times through

  • Plank Jacks
  • Pushup+Row Combo
  • Bicep Curl + Shoulder Press Combo
  • Russian Twists

Rest 1 min after 3 rounds

Set 3- 3 times through

  • 4 Mountain Climber + 4 Plank Jack Combo
  • Pushup + Row + Shoulder Press Combo
  • Tricep Dips
  • V-up + Twist Combo

ALL DONE! Easy peasy right!? Definitely stretch that upper body and get some protein in you. You’re muscles will thank you tomorrow!