If you have read my Breastfeeding vs. Formula article, you already know, Jordan and I faced several challenges when Harper was born (if you haven’t read it, I suggest starting there!). What I didn’t talk about in that article was how we coped and what an important role our faith …
Author: admin
Fitness From Scratch: Where to Start
Welcome to my “Fitness From Scratch” page!!! I am so excited to share my workouts, nutritional tips and easy recipes with you to help make staying healthy easier for you. With all the chaos of careers, kids, and life, our health often falls on the back burners. This happens because …
The Never Ending Breastfeeding vs. Formula Debate
As new mom’s it’s ALL we hear. “Breast is best!” “You’re breastfeeding right?!” There’s no escaping it. Well what happens when you can’t breastfeed? There’s TONS of mom blogs to read and tell you exactly what you need to do to be a successful breastfeeder for your baby. But throughout …
Lemon Infused Cupcake Wine Pairing
IT’S FRIDAY!!! The week is coming to an end and the weekend is so close I can taste it. It’s been a LONG, HOT week (105 degrees!), I got my workouts in, my house cleaned, my budgets planned for next week and a happy baby napping in the next room. …
Hello world!
Hello! My name is Christen, I am a 27 year old wife and mommy from the great state of Colorado. I am a former Early Childhood Educator, former Personal Trainer, and now a stay-at-home-mama! I have an amazing husband named Jordan and we have a beautiful baby girl named Harper. Jordan and …