Breakfast Burrito Morning Meal Prep

I don’t know about you, but mornings are chaos in our house! When my morning is chaos, the last thing I want to do or have time to do is cook up a healthy breakfast. I would much rather grab a quick bagel or donut, you’ve all been there right? But in all honesty… after that bagel or donut, how hungry are you in about 2 hours? It doesn’t fill you up! So then what’s next, running off to the vending machine to get a quick snack? It’s an endless cycle of unhealthy habits. “Quick” does not always have to be sugary and unhealthy, and I’m going to help you start your day off to some healthier habits!

This picture so perfectly describes our mornings!! Can you relate?! Before Harper was born, Jordan and I would both workout early and then leave the house around 7:15. So we would get up, workout, shower and make sure we had about 10 or 15 minutes to make some eggs and toast, quickly eat and then head out the door. Once Harper was born a lot of that changed! I obviously was feeding every couple of hours and we weren’t getting much sleep so our mornings suddenly turned into “Let’s just pick up Einsteins.” So not only were we throwing money away but we were making very unhealthy choices! Always because we were needing to “HUSTLE” out the door or to the baby!

As many of you know, I was teaching first grade last year when I had Harper. I went back to school the last six weeks and knew something had to change because I actually started to gain more weight. I was unable to workout as often with a newborn and full time job, so that’s when I started a low-carb diet. If you’ve read my “Losing Weight From Scratch” article you know all about that and how I discovered the Atkins diet and meal planning website! I found a recipe one day for some low-carb breakfast burritos and thought it would be a good idea to just make them for the whole week. Then we could just pop one in the microwave and be on our way. I started this back in April and have made them every week since then.

These are so easy to make, they’re healthy, low-carb and satisfy your hunger for more than just 2 hours like the typical bagel or donut would do. AND it is such a relief to see this ➡️➡️ in my fridge Monday morning and know we are set for our “morning hustle” every day this week.

A couple of weeks ago I shared my meal planning tips and template as “Fit Tip #1. So that is definitely step one- if you haven’t started step one, head over there and give it a read (linked above)!

This Morning Meal Prep is your “Fit Tip #2.”

Now that you’ve meal planned and are consistently eating healthy meals, I’m sure you’re sort of getting tired of cooking every single meal. I’m sure you have also seen pictures of people posting about their “meal prep” before- and it definitely can be a little intimidating… it looks like SO much food and SO much work! I know how you feel, so we’re going to just take it one step at a time and start with these super easy and healthy breakfast burritos so you can still HUSTLE out the door while making a healthy choice!

I originally found this recipe on the Atkins website but have modified it for flavor and to make enough for Jordan and I throughout the week. Low-carb tortilla’s can be hard to find, but I found these Mission Low-Carb tortilla’s at King Soopers! They have only 5g Net Carbs, which is perfect for a keto or low-carb diet considering the daily Net Carb intake is typically 30-40g per day.

Now I know what you’re thinking…“Holy cow that’s so many burritos!” or “Who the heck has time for that?!” ….Well… YOU DO!

I did this while Jordan and I were both working full time jobs and had a newborn baby. At some point you have to make the choice to prioritize your time and prioritize your health.If you’re prioritizing your health I guarantee you can find 40 minutes out of your Saturday or Sunday to make breakfast burritos for your self, your spouse or your kiddos. I have also split the work into 2 days, so I spent 20 minutes one day making 5 burritos, then the next day I spent 20 minutes making the remaining 5, you should have no excuses to NOT have a healthy breakfast for your family!

It is very possible no matter what your schedule is and when it’s Monday morning, you have baby throw up on your shirt, the dog got sick all over the bedroom carpet and you have a 7:30 meeting that you’re late to, you will be thankful you morning meal prepped! (Yes that is a true story 😂 )

Our life now is a little bit different as I am staying at home, but mornings are equally as crazy so I have continued with morning meal prep. I started teaching English online to kids in China, so I am teaching from 4:30- 7 AM and Harper wakes up right at 7. Jordan has been working out early in the morning, and neither of us have time to make a healthy breakfast. So as I’m making Harper’s bottle and cereal in the morning, all I have to do is put a burrito in the microwave for 1 minute and 15 seconds and I’m ready to have breakfast with my daughter. Jordan is less stressed on his way out the door, which always makes his day go smoother. So of course I want to meal prep for him when I know how helpful and beneficial it is for him and his day!

These breakfast burritos are not the only option either! You can find so many recipes you can make even just the night before and have ready for you in the morning: overnight oats, a breakfast casserole, or even some healthy protein muffins. Google and Pinterest have SO MANY ideas!

There are so many options out there, YOU just have to make the choice to prioritize your time and prioritize yours and your families health!