Chicken Pesto Artichoke Pizza on Cauliflower Crust

It’s finally Friday again and for Jordan and I that means two things, 1) we get to *maybe* sleep in till 7 tomorrow (if Harper let’s us) and 2) pizza night! Every Friday we have sort of a tradition. We either walk down the street to this great restaurant called Royal Hilltop or we have a pizza night. We have been so busy this week and were gone house sitting for my parents in Parker, so we are excited to have a much needed pizza & wine night at the house! How about you? Do you have a favorite Friday Night Tradition?? Drop a comment below to share! ⬇️ This week’s Pairing of the Week is-

Chicken Artichoke Pesto Pizza & Sauvignon Blanc

Pictured above is actually an amazing cauliflower crust that I am also going to share-it’s much healthier AND low carb! But as an alternative you can always purchase a pre-made crust (Boboli is usually my go-to)! Now I will say- if you’re anything like me two years ago you instantly think “GROSS why would you mix cauliflower and pizza!?” Even now I won’t go anywhere near cauliflower, I actually think it’s disgusting, but something magical happens when you use this recipe to make this pizza! So you have to just trust me on this one, it’s actually really good. As I have said before, Jordan is a very picky eater-especially on Friday night’s, and he LOVES this recipe! I also have to warn you… it does (in my opinion) smell incredibly gross when you’re actually prepping it… but the final product does not taste or smell anything like it does in the uncooked stages 😂.

As for the wine choice, pesto has some very strong, defined flavors. So typically when picking a wine to pair with anything that has pesto you want to stick to the light-bodied white wines to compliment those strong basil or pine nut flavors that you find in the pesto. I’m typically not a huge fan of Sauvignon Blanc on it’s own, but I must say it really did pair perfectly with this pesto pizza! Jordan picked out the wine this week-it’s a 2015 Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc and sold in local liquor stores for around 13 dollars. Delicious with the pizza and very affordable!

Hope you enjoy our Friday Night Tradition as much as we do! From my kitchen to yours…Enjoy!