Apple Crumble Muffins From Scratch

Good morning!!! Man am I glad these past two weeks are OVER. Don’t get me wrong, I have had a amazing, joyful two weeks full of celebration, but they have by far been the busiest, craziest weeks we have had since before Harper was born and I am EXHAUSTED! Because of that…sometimes I need my coffee more than I want my wine…
This weeks pairing from scratch is an Apple Crumble Muffin paired with (my favorite) Hazelnut Coffee!

Why am I so exhausted you ask? Two weeks ago I took my first weekend away from Harper (it was so hard to leave her!) for my friend Brooke’s bachelorette party in Nashville! So of course, we didn’t get much sleep. Who can sleep when there’s so much live music to be danced to!? We had a blast! Such a FUN, amazing group of girls! But the timing of the following week was the worst. I started doing an online teaching program called VIPKid back in early June. It’s basically online English teaching to kids in China-I love it! So because of the time difference, peak hours here in Colorado are 4 AM to 7:30 AM (just in time for Harper to wake up). Classes are 30 minutes long and you can choose what times you want to teach. But I hadn’t had many bookings, so I just had all my time slots open. BIG MISTAKE.

Of course the weekend I leave, I get booked out every single day! YAY good news I finally could teach! BUT… I got home at 2 AM Monday morning, had to get up at 4:30 to teach…. after a long weekend in Nashville. NEVER EVER HAVE I BEEN SO TIRED. The rest of the week same story, I was teaching at 4:30 and had Brooke and BB’s wedding that Friday, so we were busy every night. Harper’s also been extra tired from all the chaos…as you can tell from the photo 🀣
Needless to say I was a walking zombie the past few weeks and desperately needed this Pairing Pick Me Up! No wonder this has been my favorite shirt…πŸ˜†

Harper and I whipped up a few of this this Monday morning for a little “mommy and me” time… Monday’s are always for muffins and messybuns πŸ˜‹

Hope you enjoy this as much as we did! You WONT be disappointed! I know this because Jordan NEVER likes baked goods, he asked to try a bite then ate the whole muffin πŸ˜‚ He said it was “so good he couldn’t stop!” It’s definitely a nice treat for a Monday morning after an exhausting weekend! 😁 Have a great week!